Before Easter, no  eggs were consumed so people cooked their eggs to make them last. To distinguish between cooked  and raw eggs, they colouring them.



 15 Eggs

cooking time

35 minutes

prep Time

10 minutes

total time

2 hrs 45 minutes


– 15 free range eggs – 3 red onion peel – 2 brown onion  peel  – 1 cinnamon stick – 2 tsp coffee powder – ¼ red cabbage – ½ medium sized beetroot, juiced – 1 tbsp tumeric – 4.25 oz spinach, juiced – 5 tsp white vinegar

colouring Easter eggs

 To make these colours we use only natural ingredients. The results might just surprise you!

red cabbage is used for bluish-grey coloured eggs

turmeric makes yellow coloured eggs

what you can use

red cabbage & beetroot turmeric powder brown onion peel, cinnamon & coffee red onion peel spinach juice

how to do it

Cook the natural ingredients you are using for 20 minutes with a teaspoon of white vinegar.

how to do it

Strain the liquid and cook the eggs for 15 minutes inside.

Cool down the eggs in the cooking water

After 2 hours, remove the eggs from the water and place in the egg carton.

Once they have dried, brush them with vegetable oil to give them a shine.